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Süel x Charity

In the field of charity, we try to convey the values of Süel to people, as our goal is to create a welcoming and supportive community and to help organisations that share this mission.

HOPE campaign:

In 2022, two days after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, we supported the activities of the Budapest Bike Mafia, committed to helping refugees with a total sum of more than HUF 1 million from the proceeds of the HOPE sleeve.

Workshop fair and charity

We organized our first Süel yearly charity fair in 2014, which was followed by 9 more, successful fairs held on 25, November, on the Day for Ending the Violence against Women. It was created as a charity fair, where we collected and sold our outlet pieces and basics of our collections or the ones with tiny mistakes for discounted prices. Our first donation was to the PATENT association who are defending women’s rights.

After the first successful fair at the end of 2014 I wrote a lengthy letter to NANE, explaining my idea how I would like to support their work to help the survivors of domestic violence via our brand. Their leader at the time refused my approach politely but firmly, advising me to collect more information on this delicate topic. She said:

„I understand that you are approaching this with good intentions, but let me recommend some more articles so that you can be more informed on this topic.”

The first article she brought to my attention was about the ’glamourizing’ of domestic violence, where abused women’s injuries are photographed and filmed in aesthetic-looking ways. The social helpers consider every campaign destructive and harmful in which the photos of the survivors’ injuries are presented to be glamorous.

Therefore I studied all these articles discussing the topic and I reevaluated all my previous ideas and then made an appointment with the leader of NANE once again. I also had a successfully organized charity fair in my portfolio at that point, contributing to a good impression.
Györgyi Toth (NANE) finally accepted my invitation and during a pleasant brainstorming session our campaign was born under the name:

‘Colours belong only on your dress ‘,
which featured domestic violence survivors as the forerunners of our yearly charity workshop fair and as our ambassadors. The slogan refers to the injuries of the past, and at the same time it links our colorful brand, the knitwear world of Süel to the event, while we are emphasizing women’s power through our clothes.

It is a program which is fully integrated into our brand’s image, reflects our values and is connected to our vibrant yarns and empowering designs, while supporting the survivors. 

Win-Win situation:

  • The charity associations collect donations
  • Our customers can buy our pieces at super prices, and they are contributing to a good cause through their purchase.
  • The women involved can gather strength from the campaign, they can see that there’s a way to get out of their difficult situation, there is help and a solution.
  •  The newly-elected ambassadors, the domestic violence survivors gather strength from the photo sessions, and they can feel that they have done something to advocate for the case.
  • They can be proud at last and fill up with self-confidence. (Based on their feedback, they consider themselves as fully-recovered survivors after the photo shoots in many cases).
  • The main pillar of the brand CSR is an image building activation and a supply clear program.