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Is trans seasonal dressing the new minimalist trend?

Is trans seasonal dressing the new minimalist trend?

People sometimes have such an extensive collection of clothes that certain pieces get limited to being worn only seasonally, so it may appear as having two, three or even four separate sets of wardrobes and resulting in not getting a lot of wear out of all the individual pieces. This is when trans seasonal dressing comes into the picture, which is created with the intention to wear your clothes year-round, no matter the season.

This is usually achieved by layering pieces, combining fabrics and by creating a cohesive aesthetic that can be transformed as the seasons change. Running out of space for your clothes can also be an indicative sign that you should give trans seasonal dressing a try, as it creates a compact wardrobe, all while reducing the number of new pieces needed for each individual season. To sum it up, trans seasonal dressing is the new way to describe a minimalistic wardrobe.

The term trans seasonal dressing allows people to talk about their way of thinking when it comes to fashion and consumption without the stylistic implications of the term minimalism. More frequently than not neutral colour palettes and simple, basic pieces are associated with the minimalistic lifestyle and dressing, however this is not always the case. Colour and minimalism are not mutually exclusive, and this is where the term trans seasonal dressing allows for more creativity and space for exploration.

Finally, if you’d like to start your trans seasonal journey, here are some points, that might be useful along the way:

  • Establish which seasonal pieces are necessary for you to keep. To give you a clearer picture: in a climate with cold winters this should include snow boots, knit hats, warm scarves, winter coats etc. Everything that you need, but only wear it when the weather calls for it.
  • Professional clothing, workwear and everything that is necessary for your industry or work field also stays.
  • Here comes the part that some might consider the hardest: sort out everything else into three categories:
    • Already getting use out of it year-round
    • Only wearing it once a year/in one season
    • Has the potential to use as a layering piece or pairs well with most of the pieces that you sorted into the first category
  • Once all is sorted, get a good look at the first category, because everything included in it stays creating the base of your future wardrobe. In this step try to imagine all the pieces from the third one and how they fit with the pieces that you already established as the base. Anything that you can’t imagine yourself wearing goes.

If you find yourself in need of basic layering pieces, here are some suggestions:

Simple dresses

Lightweight lace sweaters
